Rutgers University - Amnesty International USA

613 George Street
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901
United States
(Updated 2009)

Founded in London in 1961, Amnesty International is a Nobel Peace Prize-winning grassroots activist organization with over 1.8 million members worldwide. Amnesty International undertakes research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights. Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) is the United States Section of Amnesty International. Rutgers Amnesty (RUAIUSA) is the Rutgers University Chapter of Amnesty International USA.

RUAIUSA is a student organization registered with the School of Arts and Sciences. Our primary source of funding comes from students fees issued with term bills at the beginning of each semester. Additional sources of funding include donations from individuals on campus and co-sponsorships with other registered student organizations.

RUAIUSA operations include, though are not limited to:
(1) letter-writing and petitioning to political figures and law enforcement officials around the world regarding possible human rights abuses in their respective areas of jurisdiction;
(2) demonstrating and protesting on campus and at various consulates and embassies in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regions, including New York City and Washington, D.C.;
(3) hosting human rights speakers from around the world;
(4) leading human rights teach-ins in classes taught at Rutgers University as well as teach-ins in high school classes in and around the New Brunswick area;
(5) attending Regional and National AIUSA conferences; and
(6) fundraising to cover RUAIUSA operating costs.

Letter-writing is usually done at the end of every RUAIUSA meeting as part of our Urgent Action segment. Paper, envelopes, and pens are provided. Postage and shipping costs are covered by RUAIUSA.

Petitioning is usually done in the free speech area of Brower Commons, if not inside Brower Commons.

Previous demonstrations on campus include:
(1) a cage display of Leyla Zana's imprisonment, and (2) making and displaying wreaths for women who have "disappeared" in Cuidad Juarez and Chihuahua.

RUAIUSA’s most recent involvement with protests have been with Get on the Bus, an event which encourages all AIUSA members in the Northeast Region to take mass transit to New York City to protest at various embassies. In April 2004, protests were held at the Egyptian embassy and the Chinese embassy.

Previous speakers hosted by RUAIUSA include:
(1) Manager of a fair trade cocoa company Abel Fernandez Florentino of the Dominican Republic on 30 October 2003;
(2) Former child soldier Akallo Grace Grall of Uganda on 22 April 2004;
(3) Rutgers University Ph.D candidate in Political Science Sarah Milburn in May 2004; and
(4) Student activist Sowore Omoyele of Nigeria on 7 December 2004.

Human rights teach-ins are usually given free of charge to university and high school courses in the social sciences and humanities. Teach-ins typically last about 20 to 25 minutes.

Previous Regional and National AIUSA conferences attended include:
(1) Northeast Regional Conference at Boston University in Boston, MA in November 2003;
(2) National Conference in New York City, NY in April 2004;
(3) Northeast Regional Conference at Boston University in Boston, MA in November 2004; and
(4) National Conference in Austin, TX in April 2005.

For RUAIUSA’s Annual Benefit Concert, local bands convene for a night of music in the name of human rights. The set for each band lasts about 20-25 minutes. Local bands are also welcome to bring (free-to-the-public) promotional CDs. The 2004 concert was held in Demarest Hall.

**Meetings are held every Sunday night at 8:00 PM in the Rutgers Student Center (College Avenue Campus)**
This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 08-29-2005
Updated on 07-04-2009

MargaritaShinderNew Jersey03-11

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