Walmart Watch

3564 11th St NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20036
United States
In April 2005, Wal-Mart Watch launched a nationwide campaign to challenge Wal-Mart, Inc. to become a leader in corporate responsibility toward its workers and host communities. By supporting the many efforts already underway across the country, WalmartWatch will serve as a catalyst for coordinated action and a unifying voice to counter Wal-Mart’s multi-million dollar media and public relations blitz. We invite your ideas, your participation and your commitment to establishing higher standards for corporate behavior at home and abroad.

Wal-Mart Watch is a joint project of The Center for Community & Corporate Ethics, a 501c3 organization devoted to studying the impact of large corporations on society, and its advocacy arm, Five Stones.

The Center’s Board of Directors includes:

Andrew Stern, President, Service Employees International Union
Judy Lichtman, Founder, National Partnership for Women & Families
Chellie Pingree, President and CEO, Common Cause
Carl Pope, Executive Director, Sierra Club
Roger Wilkins, George Mason University
Ed Goeas, The Tarrance Group
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: National
Added on 06-14-2005
Updated on 06-14-2005

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