Mizzou Greens Benefit Show

Starting Date: 10-03-2002
Starting Time: 7:30am

Music Cafe On 9th Street
Columbia, Missouri
United States
Thursday, October 3rd we are having a benefit show at the Music
Café. Everything is pretty much taken care of for that. What we
really need is for people to spread the word about this show. If you
belong to any other organizations, please post this to their
announcment list or tell them to come. If you know of anyone looking
for something to do on a Thursday night, please encourage them to
head over to the Music Café. Alcohol will be served at the bar and
it's a top notch facility. This show will be a little different than
the last one. I can't guarentee it, but I don't think this show will
have guys in monkey suits or cross dressers or goth-ish bands or blue-
grass hillbilly music like the last show did. This show will be
decidedly less weird. Which is kind of too bad, I like a good
healthy dose of weird, but this show should be good too. Most of the
music you'll hear is pretty listener friendly, none of it is overly
loud or hard. Here's what we have planned.

7:30 Come on in, start talking to the many different Green-friendly
organizations that will be tabling the event: Mizzou Greens,
Students for a Sensible Drug Policy, MU NORML, Students for Ethical
Animal Treatment, Amnesty International, Students for a Free Tibet,
Student Sierra Club. The tables will be there as long as each
organization decides to stay. They should have information about
what their organization is doing and people to answer questions.

7:45 Mark Robertson opens things up by telling us more about the
Green Party and his campaign for the State House of Representatives
from Columbia.

8:00 The Highway 50 Band, from Columbia, a band that could be
described as "groove," don't be fooled that because this band is the
opener that they aren't talented. These bands are in sort of a
random order, and our first band is as good as any, so for those who
want to show up early, you're in for a good show.

8:45 Fran Pope speaks about Mizzou's Tigers for Tigers program that
is working to help save Tigers in the wild.

9:00 Green Means Go! is a good old college rock band from Kansas
City. They're pretty popular where they come from so maybe you've
heard of them. To find out more or listen to their music or even buy
one of their t-shirts go to www.green-means-go.com

9:45 Silas Allard, President of Amnesty International at MU, will
speak on some Human Rights issues, although I'm not sure which ones.

10:00 Supraluxx is a band that's coming here all the way from
Lawrence, Kansas to play in this show. Their music is pretty cool,
you can listen to some of it at

10:45 Dan Vietts is a local lawyer and host of the radio show Sex,
Drugs, and Rock'n Roll. He will speak on your legal rights and how
to deal with cops and other such useful info.

11:00 One June Oracle is a very snazzy group, I'm not sure how to
describe them, they've got a cool, flowing electric sound, very
catchy. They're from here in Columbia and I wouldn't be surprised if
they ended up being one of the major acts in this area. Their
website is www.onejuneoracle.com so give them a listen.

11:45 Keith Brekhus who, for those of you who haven't heard by now,
is playing David to U.S. Congressman Kenny Hulshof`s Goliath. This
is a very worthwhile fight, as Kenny is a junior John Ashcroft, the
Democrats are scarcely endorsing their candidate and he's scarcely
campaigning, and Keith's putting up yard signs all over town, giving
speeches, doing interviews, and trying to make a race of it. We need
to support this guy, he stands for all the right things. He'll give
the last speech of the night.

12:00 We'll close the night out with Lola's Ruin, an acoustic group
with female vocals. Very pretty music to close the night out with.
I've given them the go ahead to play until they throw us out if they
want to.

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