Starting Date: 08-08-2004 Starting Time: 1:00pm Jackson Elementary School, 554 Jackson Ave., Livermore, California 94551 United States 925-443-7148*BOOKS NOT BOMBS*
Please join us for a Rally and March to the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab!
On the 59th anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombings of the Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we will gather at Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab.
This year, $28 million is requested to develop the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator at Livermore and Los Alamos labs. Yet, two schools will close in Livermore in order to save $1 million. All over California teachers are laid off and educational programs are being cut while $6.6 billion is requested for nuclear weapons work - more than during the Cold War! An analysis of the U.S. nuclear weapons budget can be downloaded at:
We are demanding:
*The Abolition of All Nuclear Weapons!* Nuclear weapons are the ultimate weapon of terror and their elimination begins with our opposition to them right here in the San Francisco Bay Area! In 2004 the Mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Abolition 2000 have launched a worldwide emergency campaign to abolish nuclear weapons:;
*Books Not Bombs!* Stop all cuts to public education. Don't raise tuition. Invest in education, not weapons of mass destruction. More information on the Books Not Bombs campaign
*A *Healthy Environment!* Clean-up nuclear weapons sites! Stop building up the US nuclear arsenal. Livermore Lab has already leaked over 1 million curies of air-borne radiation in the Bay Area biosphere. In the next few years Livermore Lab proposes to store and work with even larger quantities of radioactive materials.
*Jobs For Peace!* Expand jobs in civilian sciences, end government-sponsored violence; and
*Universities for Peace!* The Livermore and the Los Alamos weapons laboratories are managed by the University of California. Every nuclear warhead in the US arsenal was designed by a University of California employee. UC should stop providing a fig leaf of respectability for the creation of nuclear weapons.
BART: Free shuttles from Dublin/Pleasanton BART provided by ALAMEDA
DRIVING: Directions to Jackson Elementary: I-580, exit on Vasco Rd go
South (continue past Livermore nuclear weapons lab); Turn right on East
Ave; Turn Right on Loyola; Left on Jackson Ave; Jackson school is on left.
BRING A BOOK! Show your support for education. If you can't come, mail a book (at book rate) to: WSLF, 1504 Franklin Street, #202, Oakland, CA 94612. Books will be donated to the Buenas Vidas Youth Ranch, a Safe Home for Boys, in Livermore.
PEACE CAMP: Sunday, August 8, there will be a peace camp at Del Valle (15 minute drive from the Lab). RSVP strongly recommended (space is limited): Will Parrish
or call Will at (925) 443-7148. Camping is $5 per person, children 12 and under are free; make checks payable to Livermore Conversion Project. Mail checks to 2582 Old First St., Livermore, CA 94551: Attention Will. Please write for "peace camp" in memo line.
NONVIOLENT DIRECT ACTION: We are calling for nonviolent direct action on Monday, August 9. Meet at 7:30 AM at William Payne Park, 5800 Patterson Pass Rd. Take I-580, exit on Vasco Rd; go South 2 miles. August 9 is the anniversary of the Nagasaki bombing. We are calling for this action in honor of Father Bill O'Donnell, who was raised in Livermore. See Nonviolence Guidelines below.
PEACE RIBBONS: Nevada County Peace Center is displaying quilted and painted panels at the rally and carrying them to the Lab. Many panels are part of a historic collection that was part of the Ribbon Around the Pentagon project from the 1980's. You can visit if you would like to mail a panel to the Books Not Bombs action send them to 13929 Quaillan Way, Nevada City, CA 95959. For more info contact Nettie:
SPEAKERS AND MUSICIANS Confirmed: Father Roy Bourgeois, founder of the School of the Americas Watch; Cesar Cruz, Fast4Education; Fariba; Clan Dyken; Miguel Molina, La Onda Bajita.
NATIONAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS ACTION: In July and August over 35 events will occur across the nation demanding a precautionary approach to nuclear weapons, marking the Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Trinity Test anniversary. The days will conclude on August 9 with a national call in day to President Bush and Democratic nominee, Senator Kerry demanding: real clean-up, not the continued build up of the US arsenal. For more info on the National Nuclear Weapons Days of Action and a national calendar of events:
SPONSORS AND ENDORSERS: Bay Area Nuclear Waste Coalition; Berkeley Citizens Action; Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarians, Social Justice Committee; Berkeley Friends Church; Berkeley Society of Friends, Peace Committee; Buddhist Peace Fellowship, East Bay Chapter; East Bay Sanctuary Covenant; El Cerrito Democratic Club; First Congregational Church; Fresno Center for Nonviolence; Global Exchange; Grandmothers for Peace, Hayward Chapter; Grandmothers for Peace, International Office; Green Party of Alameda County; Humanist Hall; Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy; Livermore Conversion Project; Marin Interfaith Task Force on the Americas; Middle East Children's Alliance; Modesto Peace/Life Center; Monterey Peace and Justice Center; Nevada Desert Experience; New Fellowship Church; Northern California District of the Communist Party USA; Pax Christi Fremont; Peace and Freedom Party; Peace Center of Nevada County; Peace Coalition of Monterey County; Peninsula Peace and Justice Center; Physicians for Social Responsibility, Bay Area Chapter; Sacramento Area Peace Action; Salinas Action League; San Jos� Peace Center; Sisters of St. Dominic, San Rafael; St. Joseph the Worker Church; Tri-Valley CAREs; United for Peace & Justice, Bay Area; Veteran's for Peace, San Francisco; Veterans for Peace, Humboldt Bay Chapter 056; War Resisters League - West; Western States Legal Foundation; WILPF Berkeley-East Bay; and Women for Peace
Contact Sherry: (510) 663-8065 to sponsor or endorse with your financial contributibution.
NONVIOLENCE GUIDELINES: Nonviolence has always been a core value of the anti-nuclear movement. Perhaps that is because nuclear weapons represent the ultimate form of violence. The atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima killed some 200,000 people. Most of the 30,000 nuclear weapons in the world today have much larger explosive yields than that first nuclear weapon. Nonviolence is more than the absence of violence. Many of us believe that the active practice of nonviolence is a direct challenge to the violent policies of our governments. As we extend our hands to people new to our movement, we invite you to join us in our nonviolent direct action.
While participants in this action are not required to embrace the philosophy of nonviolence, in order to create an atmosphere that is welcoming and safe for all participants, including newcomers, children and families, the organizers ask you abide by the following practical guidelines to keep the rally and march peaceful and safe.
1. We will use no violence, physical or verbal, towards any person. We consider speech or acts that are racist, homophobic, sexist or against persons with disabilities to be violent.
2. We will carry no weapons.
3. We will not bring or use any alcohol or illegal drugs. 4. We will not destroy property 5. We will respect the rights of all people.
6. We will accept the legal consequences of our actions as we continue our struggle in the courts.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, managed by the University of California (UC) is one of the two principal U.S. nuclear weapons design laboratories and as such, is one of the highest security facilities in the country. It is believed that over 1,500 pounds of plutonium is stored on site, protected by guards who have been given "shoot to kill" orders in the case of unauthorized intruders. In these times of heightened security, crossing the facility boundaries or climbing on or over the Lab fences carries an elevated risk of injury or death. In addition, UC police over the past 20 years have consistently demonstrated a zero tolerance policy for people who go limp at the time of arrest. If you choose to risk arrest and go limp, be aware that you risk extreme pain and possible injury. If past practice holds, in general those who choose to risk arrest and cooperate with their arresting officers will not be subjected to pain holds or injury.Additional Information:
*Additional Information*:
- on Low-Yield Earth-Penetrating "bunker buster" Nuclear Weapons:
- on Depleted Uranium Munitions:
Geographical Scope: Regional Protest |