Project LEAD Training: A Training for Student Environmental Activists

Starting Date: 08-01-2004
Ending Date: 08-06-2004

Georgetown University
Washington, District of Columbia 20003
United States
Free The Planet!'s Project LEAD, Leadership for Environmental Action & Development, activates students around key environmental issues and trains future leaders of the environmental movement.

Project LEAD Training is a six day summer leadership training in Washington, DC. This comprehensive training provides the opportunity for student activists from across the country to learn about critical environmental issues and the campaigns that are impacting these problems, develop the skills to be effective organizers, share ideas, and work together regionally and nationally. Activists leave the training with the skills to organize their campus, work on environmental campaigns and network with other student activists in their areas.

During training, activists participate in workshops on essential grassroots organizing and leadership skills. They also hear briefings on some of the most pressing environmental issues today and campaigns they can work on to solve them. Workshops and briefings are run by experienced environmental organizers and advocates, including staff of Free The Planet! and other environmental organizations.

Activists also get hands-on experience during training by participating in campaign activities, such as attending a rally, gathering petition signatures and meeting with members of congress and their staff.

Training tuition is $150 and includes workshops, room & board, training manual, and t-shirt but not travel costs. Students are encouraged to fundraise to pay for tuition and travel costs. Talk to your Student Government or Dean of Students about sponsoring you to attend the training.

Though the agenda for Project LEAD Training 2004 isn't yet finalized, here are some of the great trainings, briefings, campaign activities and trainers from the past.

Past Trainings:
Building a Regional Network
Building Your Group
Conferences & Trainings
Facilitating Meetings
Grassroots Advocacy
Influencing Campus Decision-Makers
Lobbying Your Legislator
Non-Violent Actions
Organizing Events
Running Effective Campaigns
Student Environmental Movement Discussion
Training New Leaders
Visibility Events
Working With the Media
Working With Volunteers

Past Environmental Issue Briefings:
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Campus Sustainability
Corporate Responsibility
Clean Air and Water
Forest Protection
Fair Trade Coffee
Genetically Engineered Foods
Global Warming
Globalization and Green Trade
Organic Cotton
Renewable Energy

Past Trainers:
Alaska Wilderness League - Jen Schmidt, National Field Director
Center For Food Safety - Joe Mendelsen, Legal Director
ForestEthics - Liz Butler, National Organizer
Friends of the Earth - Lisa Archer, Grassroots Organizer
Global Trade Watch - Lori Wallach, Executive Director
Greenpeace USA - John Passacantando, Executive Director
PowerShift - Phil Radford, Director
Rainforest Action Network - Sharon Smith and Dan Firger, Campaigners
Sustainable Cotton Project - Kat Polan, Campus Campaign Director
U.S. PIRG - Gene Karpinski, Executive Director

2003 Campaign Activities:
Lobbied Staff of 20 Senators to Protect Clean Air
Collected 1000 Petition Signatures to the EPA for Clean Air
Attended a Rally Where Senators Jeffords (I-VT) and Lieberman (D-CT) Promoted a Clean Air Ammendment to the Energy Bill that was covered on CNN and other media outlets.

Go to for more information, profiles of Project LEAD Alums and to apply!
Geographical Scope: National

Free The Planet!District of Columbia

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