Young Feminist Leadership Conference 2014

Starting Date: 03-29-2014
Ending Date: 03-31-2014

Arlington, Virginia 22202
United States
Sponsored by the Feminist Majority Foundation, the 2014 National Young Feminist Leadership Conference will provide young activists with the opportunity to network, grow their knowledge on pertinent domestic and global feminist issues, and fine-tune their organizing methodology. Join young feminist activists from around the nation as we discuss issues including (but definitely not limited to) reproductive justice, eco-feminism, intersectionality and identity-based activism, campus organizing tactics and methods, violence against women, ballot measures and political organizing, social media and web-based activism, and global women’s rights and health.

On March 29th and 30th, we’ll be coming together at the Double Tree Crystal City to talk organizing and issues – and then March 31st we’re taking a trip to the National Mall for a Congressional Visit Day. Learn to make change on campus, in your larger community, and in your Representative’s office with us at NYFLC 2014.
Geographical Scope: National


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