The Cost of the Iraqi War and Occupation

The cost of the Iraq War is approximately $200 billion according to
the National Priorities Project

That is only the direct financial cost.

The US consumes approximately 20 million barrels of oil/day (19.65 million in 2001 according to the CIA world fact book , or 7 billion barrels each year.

If the war/occupation causes oil to cost $10 more per barrel (which I think is a realistic estimate), then this adds $70 billion/year to the cost of the war and occupation.

This doesn't include the increase in the price of natural gas, used for heating and power plants, which tends to follow the price of oil (though it is subject to much wilder fluctuations).

Summary: the cost of the US occupation of Iraq is probably more like $400-$600 billion.

The money is going to oil/gas exporting countries, and energy corporations. These include Canada where the Canadian dollar is up 40% over the past several years (and the federal budget has a small surplus), partially due to oil/gas, and Venezuela - which is using it to support a move towards socialism.

Democrats Vote for War

The Senate passed the US military budget of $445 billion for the next year. $50 billion more for Iraq and Afghanistan, putting the total cost to $350 billion.

The vote was 97-0. The Democrats love war too.