CampusActivism Update

I'm currently doing a lot of networking with other activist tech projects. I'm strongly considering working with CivicSpace which is a Content Management System (CMS) based on Drupal. It's popular among politically oriented developers.

CivicSpace emerged from DeanSpace (a website platform used for Dean groups, in Howard Dean's 2004 run for the Democratic nomination).

CivicSpace is still in its early stages (version 0.8), but they have big plans. They have the same goals that I do - namely of creating a network of websites that share activism data. CivicSpace is currently running on 100 websites. Thus it makes sense to join-in on the project. Hopefully I'll fit in!

What this means for is that I might stall before launching a full-fledged version of the "network of a hundred websites" sharing activist data. It's very close to working, but it doesn't make sense to compete with CivicSpace if it can be avoided. So might look the same for the near future. Of course I'll still be doing bug fixes, encouraging people to use it, and providing full support for the site. It's not going anywhere =)

Other CMS Groups

Saw that you were considering CivicSpace. Zack Rosen is an amazing guy and he'll be good to work with. He was one of the lead developers behind Deanspace on the campaign and was ultra-dedicated to what we were doing.

Two other companies that sprang from the Dean campaign that you might want to check out. -- Meetup Master Michael Silberman and webmaster Nicco Mele have been involved with them. Good group. -- Madeup of famed Blogger Joe Rospars and premeier Dean coder Clay Johnson this group has had some impressive clientele.

Not sure if you've heard of them but they're all very solid and are great at creating something unique for ya.

Hope something works out...

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