Greenpeace Melt Tool

Greenpeace has launched their Melt software on
Cool The Planet

The interface is weird. For instance, I type in Philadelphia and it gives me a long list of unlikely cities that I'd live in. I suspect 99% of people who type in Philadelphia, want Philadelphia, PA. The 7000 people in Philadelphia, MS should use a zip code or something.

They'll probably improve the interface and it will be more interesting once people add content.


Hi Aaron,

We definitely will be working on finding good improvements, not just for this annoyance. For now, we are trying to get many places around the world into the system, as a lot of people don't live in the US, and don't use city-state combinations, or even zip codes. Not to mention different scripts or names for the same place, or having several places with almost the same name within short distance of each other in the data sets we had available.

How would you combine the very high level of detail available for US locations with the lack of zip codes or unambiguous names for other parts of the earth?


Probably the

Probably the project is our best bet (and getting people involved in that project from other countries who want to correct/improve the data for their own country). I noticed that you were looking into using that which is good.

For both of our purposes, we fortunately don't need a high level of accuracy. If you can map someone's location within 1-5 miles, that should be fine.