Activism Network - Testers and Feedback Wanted

I’m proud to announce that I’ve got a new release of my software Activism Network (formerly known as Campus Activism, that is ready for testing and feedback.

I am planning to develop a community of developers and users who are interested in modifying the code, suggesting features, prioritizing features, and reporting bugs. I invite you to try out the software and join the community!

The major change in the new version of the software is that you can install it on your own website, and it will access information that is stored in a central database. So users will be able to add, edit, delete, browse and search – while staying on your site. It uses webservices (the php NuSOAP library).

In addition, you can customize the client to choose what information you pull from the central database. You might want to have a website for a specific issue, a campaign, a country, a state, or a city (or combination of these factors). Additional ways of customizing it will be available at a later date, based on user demand.

Another significant change is the implementation of Google Maps – so that you can view data in both table format and on a world map. In addition, we have a method for converting international locations to longitudes and latitudes – allowing mapping to work world-wide. And we have the ability to easily generate .po files for language translation.

The other main changes involve rewriting the code to make it easier to understand, modify, and maintain.

View it Online
1. Regular Version

Several customized versions:
2. Peace

3. Canada

4. NY State

5. Philadelphia

Download the Code, Discuss Features, Bugs, Build Community

Join the Developer’s List

Join the Community/User’s List

So I’d love it if a couple people did test installations of it, and others tried out the online version:

I’d like to get some feedback, make some adjustments, and then get people to start using the software on their websites (installing it should be very simple, if your host doesn’t have a strange php configuration) and telling large numbers of people about it.

I hope to hear your feedback!


Developers and Users who

Developers and Users who want information on the software should know visit:

In a couple weeks I will start using the root directory to run the software for public use.