Resource | Long Description | Downloaded | Rating | Update |
FBI/CIA Leaflet | Use it to leaflet when the FBI or CIA do a recruiting visit to your campus. | 2081 | 3 | 03-07-2002 |
National Tuition Endowment Endorsement Form | Use this endorsement to show congress that your student government is in support of the National Tuition Endowment! | 1332 | 0 | 03-19-2005 |
Tactic Analysis | Use this exercise to analyze the effectiveness/usefulness of a given tactic.
Adapted by Daniel Hunter, Training for Change from a design by Shari Silverstein,
Quixote Center . | 1397 | 0 | 07-10-2007 |
Join WRC Leaflet I | Use this leaflet and you too will win your campaign! | 1702 | 0 | 04-02-2002 |
OxFam soccer game to illustrate Fair Trade principals | Use this quick soccer game developed by OxFam to demonstrate and teach Fair Trade principals. Include discussion guide and questions. | 1542 | 0 | 09-18-2007 |
Creating Participatory Events | Useful ideas for getting beyond the traditional conference format and both increasing democracy and the conference's effectiveness.
By Aspiration Tech.
24 pages | 1276 | 0 | 07-02-2008 |
UTK Disorientation Manual 2001 | UT Knoxville Disorientation Guide. Fall 2001. 35 pages. Mediocre image quality. | 1644 | 0 | 04-12-2011 |
War and the Economy - Workshop Materials | War & the Economy
Too Many Guns,
Not Enough Butter.
By United for Fair Economy.
2004. | 6749 | 0 | 11-19-2006 |
New flyer with concerns about LaRouche | We at PRA are deeply concerned about the inroads that the Lyndon LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) is making on campuses, with youth more generally, and within the anti-war, anti-Bush movements. His is a | 1352 | 0 | 09-14-2007 |
New CAN flyer and index page on CAN history | We have uploaded CAN's new flyer.
Traprock has published an index to its pages documenting the history of the Campus Antiwar Network (CAN). The index is located at | 1353 | 0 | 01-22-2005 |
Weapons of Mass Destruction: Lies They Told | Weapons of Mass Destruction: Lies They Told to Sell Their War. By Elizabeth Wrigley-Field and Emily Goldstein, Campus Antiwar Network.
Eight page leaflet. | 1522 | 0 | 05-04-2004 |
2011 UC Santa Cruz Disorientation Guide | WELCOME TO YOUR POLITICAL AWAKENING
What is this you ask? The UC Santa Cruz Disorientation Guide is an annual student publication to incite critical thought and action through radical grassroots e | 2382 | 0 | 09-15-2011 |
No Leaders? or ALL Leaders | What is the difference between saying none of us
is a leader and saying all of us are leaders?
Jonathan Matthew Smucker. Beyond the Choir. | 1183 | 0 | 10-28-2011 |
The Direction of Higher Education | Who rules the university?
An analysis of the trustees and regents of the fifty largest research universities in the U.S.
For access to the matrices, appendices, and supporting data for this stud | 1631 | 0 | 05-26-2004 |
Why Do Soldiers Die for Their Country? | Why do people fight? Who benefits? 2 pages. | 3879 | 0 | 11-12-2004 |
Plight of Elephants | Why elephants should not be in circuses | 2443 | 0 | 03-26-2005 |
Making a Choice: Conscientious Objection or Refusing to Regi | Why some people choose noncompliance with registration and the draft, rather than registering and hoping to qualify for alternative service as conscienscious objectors. | 1306 | 0 | 03-09-2005 |
CIA Terrorists Off Campus | Why the CIA is bad and how to organize to get the CIA off of your campus. By Aaron Kreider. 5 pages. | 2612 | 4 | 01-17-2004 |
Community Organising Workshop | Workshop outline / slides. By The Change Agency. | 2597 | 0 | 07-10-2007 |
Peace Poster - Freedom Fries | Would you like freedom fries with that? By Casta Veron. | 1422 | 5 | 01-31-2007 |