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Peace Poster - Stop BushPretzel peace sign. By Tito Zevallos.1443001-31-2007
Peace Poster - PeaceBy Siavash Fan.1359001-31-2007
Notre Dame Living Wage Report 2007This is the 2nd annual living wage report for the University of Notre Dame. It was compiled by the Campus Labor Action Project (CLAP) and details the working conditions on campus, with an emphasis on 1554502-26-2007
Student Power EssayActually a 16 page illustrated booklet. By Aaron Kreider. Why/how students should get power. Written in 2001. Revised 2007.10558502-27-2007
The Problem with Green CorpsThis story appeared in a 2004 issue of Threshold Magazine, which is published by Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC). Anyone considering a position with Green Corps should read it so they k1821004-08-2007
SEAC Organizing GuideStudent Environmental Action Coalition Organizing Guide. 104 pages. Useful for non-environmentalists. Includes group structure, process, choosing an issue, campaign strategy, tactics, and more. In my 10458504-10-2007
A Ten Step Mediating Conflict ModelOutlines a ten-step process for mediating a conflict. Slide-format.3580007-10-2007
Advanced Fundraising - WorkshopSlides for a workshop on fundraising. By Bob Burton.1322007-10-2007
Confronting Racism in CommunitiesConfronting Racism in Communities : Guidelines and Resources for Anti-Racism Training Workshops. By David Hollinsworth, Centre for Multicultural Pastoral Care and Centre for Multicultural and Communi1567007-10-2007
Campaign Strategy GridBy The Change Agency. A modified version of the Midwest Academy chart. 1 page.1442007-10-2007
Community Organising WorkshopWorkshop outline / slides. By The Change Agency. 2597007-10-2007
Critical Path Analysis - WorkshopCampaigns don’t win all at once – they win through taking successful steps. Being able to break down the steps towards winning is a key skill for successful strategizing. This tool gives particip1716007-10-2007
Cutting the IssueSome activist organisations find the idea of ‘cutting the issue’ a helpful way to translate a daunting and complex problem into one or more ‘bite-sized’ issues where they can realistically co1519007-10-2007
Effective FacilitationA collection of resources about facilitation.1369007-10-2007
Four Core Elements of StrategyOn organizational strategy. By The Change Agency.18071507-10-2007
Force Field AnalysisA force field analysis helps to think about forces affecting the movement including, but not limited to external groups, internal division, psychological powers and blocks. Orginally by Training for3004007-10-2007
Growing Pains FishbowlAn exercise to deal with the impact of organizational growth. 1230007-10-2007
Media Training Notes and ManualMedia Training Notes and Manual. Prepared by Luke Giribon. April 1998.1580007-10-2007
Mentorship and Peer SupportNon-government organisations can be tough places to work. Many have high rates of staff and volunteer turnover and burnout – 40% per annum or even higher. Campaigners are often expected to hit the 2019007-10-2007
Participant AgreementsThese nine agreements are guidelines to help you participate in ways that carry out the Peaceful Model of human relationships. By Bill Moyer. 1998.1273007-10-2007
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