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SPAN Flyer about the "No Child Left Behind" ActPart of SPAN's "Flunk the War Machine campaign"1782001-17-2004
MUST SEE ! Greg Jones' musical message for world peace..PowPEACE VIDEO: Greg Jones' special musical message for world peace entitled God Bless the World-Not JUST America...Powerful Video...Pass this one on !1186001-29-2007
Peace with Justice - Education UnitPeace with Justice since 9/11. Unit for doing educational work in three sessions. By SocialJusticeEducation.org1393005-03-2004
Peace Initiative PosterPeaceful Resistance was formed to show the relationship between consumerism, corporate misuse, environmental issues, and governmental controls of freedom. We are a solution based not for profit or1777003-11-2003
Drug companies want your DNAPharmaceutical companies are racing to capture and patent portions of people's DNA so they can reap huge profits from owning the data. Loss of privacy about your DNA may impact your ability to get hir1433001-13-2003
Chasco Krewe Members Stereotype American IndiansPhotograph of Pasco county's Krewe, a cheritable organization that dresses up like "Indians" with Float, including: Teepee, woman riding buffalo, and bead throwing.1156002-22-2009
March 20th Books Not Bombs PostersPosters for the March 20th Global Day of Action with 5 different themes: *Funding For Education Not Empire! *Military Out of Our Schools! End the Poverty Draft!*Protect Our Civil Liberties! *Campuses 11812003-03-2004
Peace Poster - Stop BushPretzel peace sign. By Tito Zevallos.1443001-31-2007
Principles of Action Medical Patient CarePrinciples for medics. By Brian Dominick. 3 pages1219005-04-2004
Living Wage Campaign Case Study - Colorado CollegePrivate college with no unions. In-depth. 16 pages. 2003. 1599010-01-2005
Public Education Project (PEP)Pro-choice flyers from the Feminist Majority Foundation public Education Project. Change information at the bottom to include your own contact info1438009-27-2002
Board vs Staff Roles in FundraisingPromotes board member involvement in fundraising. By the Center for Community Change. 1998. 9 pages3276010-13-2006
Researching Where Your School's Electricity Comes FromProvides a step-by-step guide to how to figure out where your school's electricity really comes from and how to research the environmental impacts of that electricity use.1944011-02-2005
Stories of Meaningful Student InvolvementProvides an introduction to students as partners in school reform. Features tales of students as education planners, school researchers, classroom teachers, learning evaluators, school decision-makers1219006-23-2004
Strategising Online Activism: A ToolkitPublished by Association for Progressive Communication Women's Networking Support Programme and Violence is not in Our Culture. A practical guide to doing online activism. 50 pages. 2011.1196007-21-2011
Guide for Public High School Leafletting and PetitioningPublished by the San Diego Campaign to Demilitarize our Schools and a project of the Committee Opposed to Militarism and the Draft (COMD) P.O. Box 15195, San Diego, CA 92175 (619) 265-1369, (760) 7532041001-24-2004
SPAN Flyer about the USA PATRIOT ActPublished by the Student Peace Action Network (SPAN) as part of their "Flunk the War Machine" campaign.1557001-16-2004
Life After Bush fliersQuarter Sheet Flier for YDS's "Life After Bush" NYC conference, Feb. 20-221193001-12-2004
Re:imagining change: an introduction to story based strategyRe:Imagining Change is an interactive and accessible resource guide to smartMeme’s story-based strategy tools and methods. Download 60 pages of ideas, analysis, case studies, and strategies to chang2375012-12-2008
Whistleblowers: Standing up For Academic FreedomRead about academics who have gone above and beyond—risking smear campaigns and reprisals—to protect and promote research in the public interest. Resisting the creep of corporatization i1455008-31-2004
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