Alicia Olson
Permanent Address

Montgomery, Pennsylvania 17752
United States
This is a campus activist.
I am an eighteen year old activist from Pennsylvania. Groups I support or am a part of (to name a few) are: Free Sherman Austin, Millions for Mumia Abu-Jamal, Free the West Memphis Three, Che Lives, and The Nation Student Representative Program. Politics is my passion, and I am currently pursuing a career in print journalism, where I get a chance to voice my opinion on paper & the net. I revere many revolutionary leaders (in the past and present) am pro-choice, believe in abolishing the death penalty, and have a deep interest in socialism. I would be delighted to discuss political literature or trade authors & titles with anyone, and to all other student activists, “my embrace with all revolutionary fervor-” Che Guevara.
Added on 07-04-2004
Updated on 07-04-2004

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