Alyssa Vitale
Permanent Address

Sunrise, Florida 33322
United States
This is a campus activist.
Hello I'm Aly, I am the most dorky person ever. I have weird obsessions with The Beatles,John Lennon,Harry Potter Series,Music, and Fashion I just recently got my first tattoo of a peace sign on my right wrist and i lovvee it.Im finally 18 :D Im 100% Sicilian and love it. Im very sarcastic at times. Green tea makes me happy. Not being able to articulate what i want to say drives me crazy. Caring gets you no where these days i swear. I tend to be more to myself these days,some people are just so difficult. I laugh at pretty much everything xD when i laugh my arms tend to feel like jelly. I am young, I have passions. I have a heart of gold. And a head full of ideas.I am unfortunately honest, where it does not fit. i like flowers and simplicity i like compassion and thoughtful gifts. Sometimes I just don't have any idea what to do with myself. Nobody is perfect, but these days to many people think they are which is ridiculous. Everyone has something they dont like about themselves, for me thats my hips that i got from my mom. Somedays i love them and the next i hate them. Im just an average girl. Honestly I dont care if I offend you I do what I do and thats that.I cannot stand ignorance and hateful people. I am more of a night person. The best thing in the world is laying down and just looking up at the night sky. I am determind to make 2009 my year. Im FINALLY getting my life together and realizing who my real friends are. Im gonna make nothing and noone stand in my way anymore.
Favorite Music: The Beatles & Muse
Political Views: Democratic Party
Added on 10-29-2009
Updated on 10-29-2009

Plantation High School6-2010

July 3, 2010 -- US v. Steele Smith

US v. Steele Smith is the first Federal Marijuana case allowing prop 215 (medical) testimony. This could change Federal Cannabis law. COME TO THE RALLY JULY 27 Please click "Like" on the US v. Steele Smith page: