Jerry Rose
Permanent Address

Gainesville, Florida 32607
United States
Retired sociology professor, operates a website, The Sun State Activist for progressives in Florida and elsewhere. Community theatre actor and director.
General Interests: All information relative to Israeli occupation of Palestine; interested in promoting public awareness of the problem publicizing same on website and other venues. Possible play production on this theme.
Favorite Music: Classical
Favorite Books: Naomi Klein, Shock Doctrine
Thomas Frank, What's the Matter
with Kansas.
Any book dealing with immigration or other political issues.
Political Views: Very progressive and very demanding that political leaders address the problems engendered by U.S. militarism and imperialism.
Occupation: Retired
Networking Goals: Exchange of views and information about Middle East politics; how Zionist occupation can be contained and U.S. support for Zionism withdrawn.
Added on 05-10-2008
Updated on 05-10-2008

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