Empress Phile' Chionesu
Permanent Address

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19105
United States
This is a campus activist.
Empress Sis. Phile' Chionesu is the architect and founder and the Million Woman March. Her ission is to now develop the first global Movement for Women of African descent and to continue the fight for self-determination and human rights (and its actual obtainment) for Africans throughout the Diaspora. Empress Phile's areas of concentration, of course, includes abuse and violence as it pertains to Black women, and also sexism,descrimination, racism, etc. In view of the increase of Black women and girls entering into the Criminal Justice system, Sis. Phile' has made this a primary target area of commitment and action. Empress Phile' is also the President General of the Black Women's Defense League and is formulating chapters throughout the Black community and on campuses nationwide.
Added on 11-21-2004
Updated on 11-21-2004

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