Maria Sofia Corona
Permanent Address

Selma, California 93662
United States
This is a campus activist.
I am Chicana from Fresno State whose studies focus on the history of Latin America, immigrants in the U.S., Women and Labor. I also study philosophy, with an emphasize on modern and social philosophy. I am the public relations officer for the Fresno State M.E.Ch.A chapter. I was raised in Selma, which is located in the agriculture center of California, the Central Valley. My parents have worked the agriculture fields since they immigrated to the U.S. My families experience can be seen as the foundation to my current work.
Lastly my aim is to live my life in harmony with the natural world and the spirits that surround us, part of the reason behind my decision to become a vegetarian, and to stand for human rights and justice.
Added on 10-26-2004
Updated on 10-27-2004

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