Qwo-Li Driskill
Both Address

East Lansing, Michigan 48826
United States
This is a campus activist.
Qwo-Li Driskill is a Cherokee Two-Spirit/Queer also of African, Irish, Lenape, Lumbee and Osage ascent. From hir groundbreaking presentations on First Nations' struggles, to hir skilled facilitation of the "Theatre of the Oppressed" liberation movement for social justice, Qwo-Li's multi-issue approach to education gives a refreshing view of the cutting edge concerns of the new milennium. S/he is also the author of Walking with Ghosts: Poems. For more information about Qwo-Li's work, as well as booking information for speaking engagments and workshops visit http://www.dragonflyrising.com.
Added on 09-27-2004
Updated on 01-15-2006

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