Center for Campus Free Speech

407 S. Dearborn St.
Suite 701
Chicago, Illinois 60605
United States
There have been numerous legal, legislative and administrative initiatives to stifle the voices of students by restricting access to student fees, limiting access to university facilities and censoring student publications, all of which has a detrimental impact on the quality of the university experience. The university provides an important platform for the expression of a multitude of opinions and deserves heightened protection from attacks on freedom of speech.

The Center for Campus Free Speech was created by a variety of members of the higher education community - students, faculty, administrators, and others - to protect and to promote free speech on campuses. The Center acts as a clearinghouse of information, provides specialized support to campuses, and connects concerned educators, administrators, lawyers and students into a national network. The Center draws advice and guidance from a group of leaders in the higher education and legal communities.

This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: National
Added on 10-24-2005
Updated on 10-24-2005

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