(Facilitator: Leah Marchenko) Prop 73 is a harmful and ill-conceived initiative that would amend the state constitution to require health care providers to notify the parents of young women under the age of 18 before providing abortion services. This initiative would serve as a blatant intrusion by the government into private, personal family matters and would place vulnerable teens in jeopardy of severe health consequences. Think about it, we all knew or know girls who could not communicate with their parents about anything, let alone pregnacy. And the fact is -- some girls live in troubled homes. They may be victims of domestic violence, or a family member may have even caused the pregnacy. We need to protect these vulnerable teenagers, and vote NO on Prop 73 on November 8th 2005. Join dozens of other organizations, including the California Nurses Association, the California Medical Association, Planned Paernthood, the ACLU, and NARAL Pro-Choice California in working to defeat this initiatve.
Geographical Scope: State Added on 09-22-2005 Updated on 09-22-2005 |