Student Activism

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New SEAC Website

The Student Environmental Action Coalition has a new website.

I've worked on the website from 2001-2007, and before retiring, I transitioned the content over to a content management system (Drupal). So I'm glad to see that they are able to figure out the Drupal system and improve upon it!

Latest SDS Newsletter

Disorientation Guides

The summer is an excellent time to write a
Disorientation Guide (our archive).

Since the Sixties, possibly starting at Berkeley, student activists have been publishing Disorientation Guides - generally in the fall - to let incoming students know how they can get involved in movements for progressive social change at their school.

You can distribute the guides to every new student, or in smaller numbers.

Write a People's History of Student Activism for Your School

As the school years winds down for most students, now is an opportune time to think BIG.

You should consider writing a history of student activism at your school!

Notre Dame Progressive Student Alliance - Collects 2500-3000 Signatures for Non-Discrimination

Ten years after I worked on this campaign, the group I started is trying once again to include "sexual orientation" in the University of Notre Dame's non-discrimination clause.

They're off to an excellent start!

Students from the Progressive Student Alliance (PSA) will deliver a petition to the Office of the President Wednesday to add sexual orientation to Notre Dame's Non-Discrimination, PSA member Mike McCann said.

SDS Releases First Newsletter

Students for a Democratic Society put out their first News Bulletin. This is a good sign.

10 weeks after its summer conference, SDS still hasn't approved an organizational structure for itself, nor does it have any people officially filling positions. Though apparently this doesn't seem to be a problem for most of its members - as group and member levels are, I'm guessing, likely very high =)

Those Liberal Professors

Two people recently released a paper on the

Social and Political Views of American Professors
which shows a strong liberal bias (and one that has probably existed since the early seventies), particularly in the social sciences. It is worth reading (or at least skimming).

Unfortunately, while they do a lot of cross-tabulations, they do not do any linear regression models that would allow one to get a multi-variable analysis of what is going on (perhaps they have plans to do that later - as this is only a "working paper").

Campus Climate Challenge Survey Results

The Campus Climate Challenge nicely released a copy of their survey results providing an insightful look at who is active in the student climate change movement.

The results show the lack of diversity that is typical of the student environmental movement (and to a lesser extent of other student movements). Particularly worrisome is the degree of race and class stratification.

Geographical Diversity
Students are from liberal states - like the northeast, and less so from southern states. For instance, Texas has about 7% of the combined US/Canada but only 0.6% of respondents. Florida has 5.4% of the US/Canada population, but only 2.4% of respondents.

UNC Disorientation Guide with Mapping and Flash!

Student Sit-Ins : Videos

Ever since the spring of 1999, I've been interested the tactic of a student sit-in, and I wrote my thesis on this topic.

Now you can see videos of them: YouTube Sit-in Videos

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