Activism Network - Software Release

After about ten months of work, I'm proud to release the Activism
Network software client!

Activism Network
You can see two examples or download it.

Basically this takes the software that has been running on for three years, and lets you install in on your
own website. Doing so, we can create a network of a hundred websites
sharing activism data!!!

Website owners can customize what data they receive from the network.

This is an early (alpha?) release that I'm hoping to use to generate
interest and feedback. Particularly I need some ideas about what kind of
filters website owners will want. Currently you can filter by issue,
campaign, group, student/non-student, and geography. The geographical
filter needs additional work.

Thus the target audience for people installing it is for anyone who
wants to help me test it and suggest changes. It's not yet intended
for "real-life" use.

In the near future, I will do a release that runs on

I'm heading to San Francisco for the Advocacy Developers II
conference and then to go on a short vacation. So that might cause
me to be slow in responding to emails. But I will respond =)
