File Release

The League of Pissed off Voters has just released the
latest version of their software

I feel that is it closer to Friendster or MySpace in its approach than Campus Activism / Activism Network is. By this I mean that it focusses more on the individual, whereas I put a lot of emphasis on events, resources, groups, and issues.

Indyvoter is definitely very creative and is developing new ideas that might be useful. I think they might benefit from a lot of user testing (every project, including this software, needs more user testing), to sort out which ideas are most useful and also to work on their site's usability.

You can look at an explanation of Indyvoter project goals

I hope that Activism Network and Indyvoter (and anyone else with similar projects) will be able to integrate our work. Firstly we could cross-link to each other's profiles, so you could easily switch between your profile in Indvoter and that in Activism Network. Secondly, we need to develop standards for data-types and how the data will be shared.