Larry Krasner, Ending Mass Incarceration, Philadelphia District Attorney race

Larry Krasner is running for Philadelphia District Attorney on a platform of ending mass incarceration. He is a long-time defense attorney who has defended numerous activists in court and has longstanding ties to social movements.

The Democratic primary is wide open as the current District Attorney, Seth Williams, is not running again as he may face charges over corruption. There are six candidates and it looks like the main ones are Rich Negrin (former city manager, endorsed by the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police - and very strangely a moderate despite his dad being killed by right-wing anti-Castro terrorists - in one of those right wing acts of terrorism that people like to ignore), Tariq El-Shabazz (who is running perhaps the second most progressive campaign but owes $100k+ in taxes), and Joe Khan (more liberal than Negrin).

As a bit of an outsider to the Democratic establishment, Larry Krasner will have a difficult time winning the Democratic primary (which is more important than the general election) - but he stands a good shot.