Occupy Philadelphia - Dissecting Capitalism Series

Occupy Philadelphia is having a ten-part series on Dissecting Capitalism. It is organized by the Education and Training committee.

While Occupy Philadelphia is generally facing a lot of drama and conflict, and the General Assemblies are in decline - many of the working groups are becoming more effective. Groups are planning long term projects. For instance, Education and Training used to have a white board at Dilworth Plaza (our occupation site) where anyone could sign up to hold an event. We'd then try to recruit people to attend the event, often starting off with as few as four people and then recruiting people walking by. But now the Education and Training Committee is holding a ten-part series that comes out of six weeks of planning and was well publicized. Our first event had 80 people!

The next weekly workshop is on Wednesday February 23:
"Labor and Workplace Struggles"
Lava Space
4134 Lancaster Ave
Philadelphia, PA
Facebook Event