Resources for Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Together, and the Occupy Movement

I've recently added some resources to that are useful for the Occupation Movement.

Please upload resources (leaflets, posters, tactic suggestions, how to run a general assembly, etc) to

Websites Creating Resources
How To Occupy

Occupy Winning

Occupy Research (research group)

New Resources
Mobile Tactics for people with cell phones

Differences in Facilitating Large and Small Groups

Practical Consensus Guide

NYC Proposal to use a Spokes Council structure for the General Assembly - I think this passed.

Working on It: People of Color Experience Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Philly - Machete First edition of a magazine by the Machete group on the Philly Occupation. October 2011.

Occupy Gazette Essays by N+1 magazine.

The Occupation Cookbook - a detailed account of the five week occupation of the University of Zagreb (Croatia) in English.

Resource for Small Town Occupations - by the Rural Organizing Project

Occupy! Your Guide to the International Occupy Movement For Occupy Santa Cruz.

No Leaders? or ALL Leaders By

Occupy Wall Street and the Political Identity Paradox By

Occupy Tactic Star By

How to Make a General Assembly Proposal - Philadelphia Version

Slightly Older Resources
General Assemblies - a Guide to Group Dynamics - by Take The Square.

Occupation: A Do It Yourself Guide - for building or office occupations.

Sit-in: A Tactical Analysis - by me.

Group Process (Consensus Decision Making and more)

Tent State Organizing Model - Tent cities setup at universities. Very similar to the occupation model.

An Activist's Guide to Basic First Aid

SEAC Organizing Guide - read the section on choosing an issue and campaign strategy.

Guide pour organizer une occupation en Francais - Par l'Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Etudiante.