Matching Activists and Activist Groups using statistics for better networking

It would be neat to have a website where activist organizations could find similar organizations by answering questions.

(This would work for non-activist groups too.)

I've been thinking about this for several years. How it would also be neat to have tests like 1) What is the ideal organization for me? 2) What is the ideal ideology for me? and 3) What campaign should I get involved in?

You could give recommendations. On the organizational level - "If you liked United for Peace and Justice, you might also like Jobs with Justice", on the issue level: "Against the war in Iraq? Maybe you'd also like to oppose the war in Afghanistan!", on the resource level (books, websites, online resources like pdfs, etc), or on the event level (if you liked this conference, you should try this other one too!).

The key element is to use statistical analysis. Having a simplistic single test with 20 questions probably won't work. You need to have a larger number of questions (100+), and identify multiple factors (how left wing, volunteer vs staff, level of hierarchy vs democracy, issues of concern, etc) to figure out good fits.

In some ways, this would be like the dating website: okcupid. And also like the recommendation system used by Netflix or Amazon.

You'd need a good data set. People would have to answer the questions for their organization (and of course this means different answers based on their perspective). If several people answered for an organization, you could average them - and even have a second group of people rate the quality of the responses (Eg. how Amazon has a "how helpful was this review" rating).