Notre Dame President Rejects LGBT Human Dignity

Yesterday, the Notre Dame president rejected the goals of the Campaign for Human Dignity: inclusion of sexual orientation in the non-discrimination clause, and the recognition of the LGBT student group.

There's a nice picture.

It's the latest development in an ongoing campaign that has been going since around 1986 (depending on how you can count it). I was involved in the 1997-1998 round. The campaign is going to win any year now, but it's going to take a well organized effort.


Unfortunately this story is getting buried under the controversy over the invitation of Obama to give the commencement speech (and his pro-choice views). There is an anti-Obama website with over 200,000 people on an online petition. Meanwhile, on Facebook the pro-Obama group is four times larger than the anti-Obama group (6000 vs 1500). The alumni are against it, but the students are for it.