Activism Network - More Features

The latest version (3.3) of the software is now up and running on and

So far, I've noticed very few bugs. Users are uploading pictures and filling out parts of the longer profile. So far I haven't noticed as many comments or resource ratings.

As always, you can see a list of features that I'm considering implementing.

Currently I'm on a community kick. So I want to create a better landing page for people when they log in. A page that includes a customized events calendar (including local events), links to their friends, and other info.

My other big goal is a mass emailing system so I can send out customized emails to users. I really want to send out an email encouraging people to update their info, tell them about the new features, to invite their friends, and to donate money.

I'll probably do a release of 3.3 around January 1, 2008.