Activism Network 3.3 - The Community Release: Progress Report

I'm working on version 3.3 of the software!

My main goal is to increase the interactivity/community-building features. Thus I've added the ability to Write Comments. You can write a comment on almost everything. You can delete other people's comments (Ex. if someone writes a nasty comment about you in your profile).

I've added photos. You can upload one or more photos for a person or group that will be displayed with their profile and in a photo gallery.

Currently I'm working on the ability to add "friends".

There are a couple smaller things that I might do now or later - including adding tags, popularity based functions (what resources/people/groups/events are "hot"), and links to your other social network profiles.

I'm hoping that interactivity will not lead to a massive increase in spam. Comments and photos will be displayed without moderator approval, however they will be subject to review (and you cannot include html in your comment). I can just imagine evil corporations paying people in third world countries trying to spam the site with links to pornographic and pharmaceutical sites - even though I have it setup so the links won't work.

If the level of spam gets too high, I'll have to start filtering based on keywords or something. Another useful filter might be if the content contains too many words that aren't in the english dictionary - mark it as suspect (though this would be bad for internationalization).

I hope that people start adding friends, inviting friends, writing comments, uploading photos (so you can recognize other people at events, like conferences and protests), and generally building a stronger online community!