(Another) International Activism Platform - WiserEarth

I guess the real question is how widely this thing will be adopted? I remember getting all interested about Greenpeace's Cool The Planet website, because it was similar enough to what I'm doing, but that (at least so far as I know) never was used by much of anyone.

It looks like development is outsourced to India.

I bet a lot of these directories are going to start popping up.

Source: http://www.naturalcapital.org/wiserearth.htm

WiserEarth promotes social change by empowering the largest and fastest growing movement in the world—the hundreds of thousands of organizations within civil society that address social justice, poverty, and the environment. WiserEarth provides tools to help these organizations find each other, collaborate, share resources and build alliances.

Contains the most extensive database of sustainable and social justice organizations based in 243 countries, including contact details, maps, areas of focus and mission statement.
Includes the first detailed taxonomy of the organizations within civil society.
Is searchable by areas of interest, geography, type or organization, profession or pursuit (for individuals), and scope of activity.
Offers users the ability to find "who is working on what and where" so that organizations can leverage their experience, knowledge, and resources.
Provides funders with an information landscape of all organizations engaged in program activity in their field of interest, a helpful tool to better evaluate proposals and dockets.
Incorporates an effective means for many people to give small amounts of money to organizations all over the world thereby broadening the global philanthropic base.
Posts free listings of jobs, positions, and resources for organizations, prospective employees, interns, volunteers, and students.
Supports individuated calendars that notify users of any and all events in their specific geography regarding their areas of interest.
Establishes the means for bioregional hubs to empower local and living economies.
Facilitates free or extremely low cost VOiP communication between listed organizations in the world.
Provides lists of resources including books, conferences, events, other databases, definitions, magazines, articles, podcasts, streaming audio and video, maps, research reports, and educational opportunities.

WiserEarth will launch in May 2007. Questions? Contact project director Peggy Duvette at duvette@naturalcapital.org