Soccer, Board Games, Meetup, and other totally apolitical uses for Activism Network software

While my goal in developing the Activism Network software was political, it could easily be used for completely apolitical goals.

For instance, I'm very interested in radio. I enjoy listening to FM and shortwave radio stations from hundreds to thousands of miles away.

Somebody could download the software, install the server and client, and create a database of radio hobbyists. The event calendar could include club meetings, ham fests, dx-peditions (trips where hobbyists go to a remote location, setup very long antennas, and listen to their radios), and others. The resources would include radio station schedules, radio-control software, propogation prediction software, decoder software, guides to building antennas, modifying radios, and more. For groups, you'd have a list of ham, shortwave listener, or other radio groups. For issues, you'd have things like shortwave, longwave, AM, FM, scanner, HAM, Morse Code, etc.

(What's missing for radio is a way of sharing logs. It'd be relatively easy to add a system where people could mark down what station they heard and share this information with others.)

Computer Games
Or you could have a database of computer game players. People who'd like to get together to have LAN parties, where you create a computer network and play against each other. Or you could play the games over the internet. Groups would organize the parties (either face-to-face or online). The parties would be listed as events. Resources would include strategies for playing the games, along with ultities to help you play better, and customizations (maps, scenarios, new graphics, new sounds, etc). For issues, you'd have things like Quake, Civ 4, or other games.

There are easily several hundred possible uses for this software. If anyone wants to use it for something entirely apolitical, you are invited to join in and help develop it too!