Change in Median Household Rent - 2009-2013 American Community Survey vs 2000 Census - controlled for inflation
< 0% (rent decreased)       0% to 8%      8 to 16%       16 to 24%      24 to 32%       32 to 40%       40 to 48%       48 to 56%       56%+  
Grey areas do not have data from 2000 (so comparisons are impossible)
Data source: "This product uses the Census Bureau Data API but is not endorsed or certified by the Census Bureau."

Other maps by Aaron Kreider include: Philly House Age, Philly House Price, Philly House Price Change - April 2014 to Nov 2017, Philly Land Value by Square Foot, Philly Land Value as percent of total assessed, Philly Rent Change, Philly Exterior House Condition,
National Maps
Racial Segregation Index Justice Map - national race and income map