New Energy for Campuses Energy-Saving Policies for College
College and university campuses are uniquely placed to affect America’s
energy future. The higher education sector is a $317 billion industry1
that educates and employs millions of people, maintains thousands of
buildings and owns millions of acres of land. It spends billions of dollars on
fuel, energy and infrastructure. And the footprint of higher education is
widening — enrollment between 2000 and 2013 is expected to increase
by 23%.2 If every one of the 4000 campuses in the U.S. used 100%
clean energy, it would nearly quadruple the current renewable electricity
demand in the U.S.3

By The Apollo Alliance and Energy Action. 2005. 25 pages.

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Added on 11-19-2006
Updated on 11-19-2006

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