Megan Andelloux
Permanent Address

Pawtucket, Rhode Island 02861
United States
This is a campus activist.
I work as a Sexual Health Educator/Trainer by day where I educate the public on issues like STD prevention, Birth Control options and Reproductive Rights. By night, I'm a Sex Educator for the masses in terms of anal play, masturbation, how to be a better lover and such. I also work as a gynocological model where I educate physicians on how to perform their first breast, vaginal and anal exam through my knowledge and with my body. I answer sexuality related questions on the nationally recognized web site, and for fun I throw Menarche Parties on the North East coast that focus on alternative forms of menstruation attitudes, products and period pride. I loove what I do and want to work more on erradicating menstrual shame/ignorance!
Added on 12-07-2005
Updated on 12-07-2005


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