Brian Bogart
Permanent Address

Eugene, Oregon 97403
United States
This is a campus activist.
Founder CampU.S. Strike for Peace Campaign
September 26, 2005 - June 10, 2006
Analyst, IntelligentFuture/Project Censored
Specialist, Military and Defense in Society
M.A. Candidate, Peace Studies, University of Oregon
B.A. Japanese History, University of Oregon 1997
International Studies Certificate, Waseda University, Tokyo 1996
Multicultural Studies Certificate, US-Japan Relations, Lewis and Clark College, Portland 1995
Project member, Carl Sagan's anti-Cold War Space Bridge
Friend of Noam Chomsky
University of Oregon's first graduate student in Peace Studies, former defense industry worker, and author of the five-part series, "America Programmed for War."
Added on 08-16-2005
Updated on 09-18-2005

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