Richard Lewis
Permanent Address

Soquel, California 95073
United States
This is a campus activist.
Senior Activist
Organizer to move forward the Grupo Amistad Vision
Established the first Direct monies
to the Gay People's Union at Stanford in 1971 from the US Office
of Education. Received the first
$90,000 from the State of Calif
to the Gay People's Union.
Now involved in developing a model
ending with a grass roots student
sourced "local" National Youth
Union. At 68 a stand for:
Senior Power! Youth Power!
Gang For Good!
Building on the book and video from
the National Center For Youth Activism. Youth the 26% Solution
one conversation. APPEP the
student club at UCSC in Santa Cruz
California the "seed" to empower.
The model proposed The Santa Cruz
County Compact (County Wide local
initiative) building "transcommuniality" and "participatory democracy" strategies that give "Voice" to all
and create the needed movement to
stand on the lives, stands, visions
and values of both non-violence
visioaries: Dr. Martin Luther King
Jr. and Cesar E. Chavez.
This is my role to speak the vision
and invite allies to "fine tune"
the strategies. Starting in the
city and county of Santa Cruz were
progressive activist live and the
University of Santa Cruz leadership
is a great institution to establish
a "model".
Added on 04-09-2005
Updated on 04-10-2005

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