Edward Hasbrouck
Permanent Address

San Francisco, California 94110
United States
Draft resistance organizer responsible for the "www.Resistance.info" and "www.MedicalDraft.info" Web sites of current information on the draft, draft registration, and the draft of health care workers. Available to speak about the history of 25 years of resistance to draft registration, the threat of a draft (either a general draft of young people or a draft of health care workers) and the reasons for and risks of resistance. One of 20 people in the USA prosecuted since 1980 for organizing resistance to draft registration; spent 6 months in Federal prison camp in 1983-1984 for refusing to agree to fight on the side of the people who would later become Al Queda and the the Taliban, and who the USA was then supporting in Afghanistan. Also active as a consultant to the Identity Project (www.PapersPlease.org) on travel-related civil liberties and human rights issues.
Added on 03-09-2005
Updated on 05-26-2014

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