A Better World Is Within Reach (P.E.A.C.E.) Networ

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A Better World Is Within Reach People's Empowerment And Collective Exchange (P.E.A.C.E.) Network

Although the ABWWR Peace Network does not have a formal or official mission statement (nor do we intend to create one in the near future) we work to bring together diverse organizations in pursuit of the principles of peace, and around the goals of peaceful empowerment for the people as it helps to create a better world: this includes education projects, public events and rallies. The ABWWR Peace Network does not speak on behalf of individuals, students, groups, and no one person speaks on behalf of all members of the abwwr peace network.

Among other things, the ABWWR Peace Network seeks to engage in discussion regarding the creation of a new system of currency built upon basic principles of the IthacaHours system.

We're students and activists planning to live together to help create a better world. We'll live in a form of community known as a 'So-Jus Diversa-Village.' A So-Jus Diversa-Village is an ecovillage with a priority on Social Justice, Diversity and World Peace.

'We must think in terms of restructuring the home itself, so that it can be made more suitable to the demands and diversity of our new families.”

-Betty Friedan, from ‘The Second Stage.’ Author of ‘The Feminine Mystique’ and the founder and first president of the National Organization for Women (NOW).

'True peace is not the absence of tension, but the presence of justice.' -Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

To learn more, please visit www.abwwrpeace.org or www.aworldofpeace.org. No rent or membership fees are required. Over 60% of the operating costs come from donations given to us for rescue work in Hurricanes, Floods and blizzards, nationwide. All are welcome. Bienvinidos.

For students, the bottom line to creating activist communities is… do you want your home/dormitory, study room, your babysitter and your job in 4 remote areas of the city? Or do you want them all in one community? And if you want them in one community… are you willing to help create it? Don’t wait for someone else to create it… start creating it today!
Added on 03-25-2006
Updated on 10-18-2006

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