Victoria's Secret Campaign
(Facilitator: Free The Planet! )
The pulp and paper industry is the largest single industrial wood consumer in the US and the world. Every year, catalog retailers mail out approximately 17 billion catalogs, which is 59 for ever man, woman and child in the country. Only 5% of those catalogs are actually looked at, which means that 95% are discarded unread. Almost none of the paper used in these catalogs contains any recycled content and many of them contain trees from North America’s last remaining old growth and endangered forests.

Victoria’s Secret is one of the largest, most recognizable and most influential retailers in the catalog industry. They mail approximately 395 million catalogs every year and have over 1,000 stores. Unfortunately, though they may be industry leaders overall, they aren’t leading the way to protecting the environment. Their catalogs are printed on paper made from Canada’s Boreal Forest. The Boreal is 1.4 billion acres, the size of 12 Californias laid side by side or three and a half times the size of Alaska. It’s the second largest roadless area on the planet and is home to approximately 500 First Nation communities. Victoria’s Secret is using trees from the Boreal to make their disposable catalogs. We’re calling on Victoria’s Secret to stop sourcing from endangered forests and maximize post consumer waste fibers in their catalogs. Students are educating consumers at Victoria’s Secret stores, sending back their catalogs, getting Victoria’s Secret’s forest destruction in the media and getting letters and phone calls in to their CEO. Contact us if you're interested in getting involved in the campaign!
Geographical Scope: National
Added on 09-07-2004
Updated on 09-07-2004


Victoria's Dirty Secret Website
Free The Planet!'s Website

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