East Carolina Students for a Free Tibet

Student Leadership Office
109 Mendenhall
Greenville, North Carolina 27858
United States
East Carolina University
Students for a Free Tibet is a group started to aid in the liberation of the Tibetan people from the Chinese Communist government that illegally occupies their country and threatens the lives and culture of its people. The Tibetans have been involved in a non-violent struggle for over 50 years. Freedom will be reached through social, economic, and political action. The group hopes to help support the people of Tibet by fundraising to build schools, contribute to health care, aid in natural disasters, etc. inside of Tibet as well as to support refugees of Tibet in other countries. Also, the group aims to raise awareness about Tibet's situation. There are hundreds of SFT groups around the nation and together we will make a difference. Please email for more information about these beautiful people and their fight for freedom. Contact: Natalia Smith.
This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 09-20-2002
Updated on 09-20-2002

AndrewCoxNorth Carolina09-22

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