Direct Action & Research Training (DART) Center

PO Box 370791
Miami, Florida 33137
United States
The Direct Action & Research Training (DART) Center of Miami, Florida was founded in 1982. Its mission is to assist in the development of strong, congregation-based, grassroots community organizations committed to democratic principles and values of justice and fairness. Since its inception, The DART Center has developed 19 community organizations spread throughout Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Virginia, and Kentucky, which together make up The DART Network. Interfaith community organizing as used by the DART Network represents one of the strongest and most dynamic efforts to build democratic empowerment, hold political and economic systems accountable, and strengthen public life in the United States today. DART seeks to actively engage people in civic and political participation, training hundreds of local low-moderate income, unpaid leaders each year to unleash their energy and creativity toward shaping public policy that best meets their community needs. It also offers one of the few venues in which all people work together across racial, religious, and economic lines, and does significant work with new immigrants. DART organizations address an impressively broad range of issues important to social and economic justice (e.g., crime and drugs, illiteracy in public schools, lack of affordable housing, joblessness, etc.), doing so with modest financial resources.
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: National
Added on 01-23-2004
Updated on 01-24-2004

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