Honk for Saudi Women

Lakeview Gardens
Natick, Massachusetts 01760
United States
Last Friday at least 45 women drove cars in the biggest women's rights protest in Saudi Arabia's history.

We launched a video campaign on YouTube where supporters post videos of themselves honking for Saudi Women's Driving Rights. Our Honk for Saudi Women Channel has thousands of views, world-wide exposure, a platform on Change.org and a partnership with the Saudi Women for Driving Coalition.

Groups like the Women's Media Center, Rutgers' Center for Women's Global Leadership, Equality Now, No Women No Play, the Institute for Gulf Affairs, the Nobel Women's Initiative, EMILY's List, Boston Magazine, and the Feminist Majority have promoted the "Honk for Saudi Women" campaign. MTV Act is asking for participants on its blog. Publications like Mashable, Ms. Magazine Blog, Women’s Day, ABC, CBS What’s Trending, USA Today, the Huffington Post, French Marie Claire, Harvard Cyber Law, and TIME Magazine have covered it - they're even saying this campaign has gone viral.
The 17th was a big deal, but it was just the beginning. We’ll be honking until Saudi Women take the wheel for good.

Top race-car driver and environmentalist Leilani Munter honked to support Saudi Women’s Driving rights.

Celebrities and politicians are pledging to do the same - will you join us?

Videos take minutes to make:

1.) Just say you support Saudi Women’s Driving Rights
2.) Honk (if you can’t film in a car, just say “beep-beep”)
Upload to YouTube, send video link to honkforsaudiwomen@change.org and put http://chn.ge/HonkForSaudiWomen in the video description.

US House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has publicly expressed her support for "Honk for Saudi Women." Saudi Princess Ahmeerah wants to drive; Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publicly backs Saudi Women's Driving Rights; and over 1500 people have asked Oprah to make a "Honk for Saudi Women" video.

So honk if you support Saudi Women's Driving Rights!
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: International
Added on 06-24-2011
Updated on 05-08-2012

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