Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund

P.O Box 7307
New York, New York 10116
United States
The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund provides grants to students actively working for peace and justice. These need-based scholarships are awarded to those able to do academic work at the university level and who are part of the progressive movement on the campus and in the community. Early recipients worked for civil rights, against McCarthyism, and for peace in Vietnam. Recent grantees have been active in the struggle against racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of oppression; building the movement for economic justice; and creating peace through international anti-imperialist solidarity.

This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: National
Added on 02-15-2011
Updated on 02-15-2011

February 15, 2011 -- Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund

Scholarship pplications for 2011/12 academic year can be downloaded at www.davisputter.org and must be postmarked by April 1.