Johns Hopkins University Justice

3339 N. Charles St
Wolman Box #3597
Baltimore, Maryland 21218
United States
JHU Justice is a new student group dedicated to civic responsibility and social justice through active participation in local, national and international politics. We are opposed to economic globalization, war and other forms of state-sponsored violence, discrimination on grounds of race, gender, religion and sexual orientation, and environmental destruction. We promote fair trade, labor organization, diversity, animal rights, environmentalism and sustainable living. Group decisions and actions will be based on collective decision and debate in which each person?s opinion is valued. Methods utilized will range from letter-writing and petitioning to protest and direct action. JHU Justice believes in the Hopkins motto ?The truth shall set you free? and plans to play a vital role in exposing the truth in order to promote freedom.
This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 12-05-2002
Updated on 09-10-2006


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