UNC Campaign to End the Cycle of Violence

Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514
United States
We are a group of students, faculty, staff and community members based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, committed to a long-term vision of global justice. That vision impels us to work to end war and achieve social justice at home and abroad. Our contributions include education, dialogue, demonstrations, and non-violent direct action. We are dedicated to ending terrorism in all of its forms by addressing and confronting its root causes, while protecting civil liberties and immigrant rights. To get closer to real solutions to international problems we must simultaneously 1) support the strengthening of multi-lateral judicial organizations and 2) support and build grassroots movements for global justice.
This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 11-18-2002
Updated on 11-18-2002

CollinLeeNorth Carolina12-06
LizMason-DeeseNorth Carolina09-24

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