Love, Imagine, Network and Kindness (LINK)

Olympia, Washington 98507
United States
Welcome to the International Love, Imagine, Network and Kindness (L.I.N.K.) Community. LINK is a member of the Design for a Loving Future group.

LINK offers permaculture, healthcare design and multicultural community conferences and not only experienced instructors and workshops from all over the world, but LINK also offers participants the opportunity to have hands-on instruction in an enjoyable learning environment.

The word ‘permaculture’ was coined in 1978 by Bill Mollison, an Australian ecologist, and one of his students, David Holmgren. It is a contraction of "permanent agriculture" or "permanent culture."

Permaculture is a land use and community building movement which strives for the harmonious integration of human dwellings, microclimate, annual and perennial plants, animals, soils, and water into stable, productive communities. The focus is not on these elements themselves, but rather on the relationships created among them by the way we place them in the landscape. This synergy is further enhanced by mimicking patterns found in nature. As such, the vision and dream of permaculture extends far beyond food production systems to our entire economy.

LINK conferences will host speakers involved in permaculture and peak oil, healthcare design and multicultural community organizing. These speakers will present plenaries, seminars and hands-on workshops that are directed towards responding to the immediate challenges facing a world that must design a better future. Their work will encourage sustainable economies at the local, state, national and international level.
This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 04-16-2007
Updated on 04-22-2007

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