The Feminist Organization @ Arizona State University

8136 E. Monterey Way
Scottsdale, Arizona 85251
United States
The feminist Organization is dedicated to the social, political and economic equality of all people. To that end, we organize and attend numerous education and political oriented events with a focus on human rights issues. We are a part of the ASU Womyn's Coalition and are currently working with them to bring a Women's Center to our campus. In the past we have been a part actions focused on these issues: body image & eating disorders, the antiwar movement, activism training & grant writing, LGBTQ issues, the women of juarez, RAWA, bodily autonomy and reproductive rights. We are always interested in expanding our activities to include any human rights concerns, and are very open to being approached by individuals and organizations with ideas for how we might further our work in this area. We meet on campus in the Memorial Union on Tuesday nights at 5pm.
This is a campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 01-20-2007
Updated on 01-20-2007


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