Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping

New York, New York 10003
United States
We are a New York City theater group, using the styles of fundamentalist televangelism as a satirical frame for the performance of socially progressive content. We hope to teach Americans that “Consumerism” is not inevitable, not prosperity, and not the same thing as Democracy. We do have a choice as to what economy we live in. We do have the choice to save our neighborhoods and save the Earth.

Over the next two months we are staging an old fashioned tent revival in New York City where we will focus on a number of urgent issues: Global Warming, The First Amendment, Wal-Mart, Workers Rights and Global Trade, The Endangered Commons , and a very special night dedicated to Peace on September 11th.

The show will take place Sunday afternoons in a fabulous circus tent in a lovely spot on the water, just below the Brooklyn Bridge at the South Street Seaport. We are happy to invite you to come, as an individual or in a group, tickets are 15$ at the door but a special discounted advance $10 dollar ticket is available through our website

Please join us, the amazing 30 voice Stop Shopping Gospel Choir, the 7-piece Not Buying it Band and the fearless Reverend Billy. And if you can please share this invitation with your community: we want to generate conversations in and about the future. If you wish to talk to us we can be reached at 718 853 4025.

Sundays with Reverend Billy at the South Street Seaport
August 6—2 PM
Global Warming
Working with Forest Ethics to urge Victoria’s Secret to stop clear-cutting virgin forests for the one-million-per-day catalogues the company sends out.

August 13—2 PM
Fair Trade/ Sweat Free NYC
We New Yorkers don’t want to encourage abusive labor practices in the things we buy.

August 20-2 PM
Gardens and Trash
What we throw away is still who we are, and what we plant and water and grow is what we become.

August 27-2 PM
Wal-Mart and Starbucks
We hope to defend our communities against multi-nationals that abuse labor and displace long-time local businesses.

Sept 11-6 PM
The use of our tragedy as a pretext for more violence is itself a tragedy.
Let’s honor the dead by honoring the living.

Sept 17- 2PM
Reclaim the Commons and Get On Your Bike
Whose streets? OUR streets. Rise to the defense of public space.

Sept 24—2 PM
Forest City Ratner’s 16 Skyscrapers
Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn

October 1 – 2 PM
1st Amendment Night
We will honor the freedom to “Peaceably Assemble” as citizens who protest war.
This is a non-campus group.
Geographical Scope: Local
Added on 07-31-2006
Updated on 08-06-2006

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